Job Alerts for Substitute Teachers

Quickly accept the jobs you want. Alerts via mobile app, text, email, or desktop.

Screenshot of Android App

Step 1 - Sign Up

Create an account with just an email address. New users receive a free 30 day trial and no credit card is required.

Step 2 - Select District

We support schools using Frontline Education Absence Management (Aesop®), Substitute Online, ReadySub®, and atrieveERP.

Step 3 - Alert Settings

Choose how you want to receive alerts: iPhone/Android app, text, email, or desktop. Set filters based on school, employee, position, or length.

Step 4 - Recieve Alerts

We will check for new jobs every 60 seconds and alert you when a new one is found (if it matches your filters).

Step 5 - Accept Jobs

If you like a job, quickly accept it with one click within the app, text, email, or desktop alert.

Step 6 - Enjoy Teaching

Soon enough you will find your schedule filled with jobs that you want and enjoy.

I love it. Makes it easy to pick up the job that best matches my abilities.


Substitute Teacher
It's the reason I'm making money now!


Substitute Teacher
It's an amazing service. Takes away the stress of checking Frontline Absence Management® continuously.


Substitute Teacher

Start job alerts today!

Meet Us

We are a husband and wife team who have a background in education and technology. We launched SubSidekick 10 years ago in our one bedroom apartment just after graduating college. Kristy was substitute teaching at our local school district and frustrated with job scheduling. To help, CT dedicated his time and talent to creating what is now SubSidekick.

Kristy Gooding

As a former substitute teacher and elementary art teacher, I enjoy working with other teachers! You can find me answering customer support inquires and posting new resources on our blog.

CT Gooding

I enjoy creating technology to help others. Whether it is updating the website, mobile apps, or backend job detection service, it is all focused on helping substitute teachers.


A small price for a schedule filled with jobs you want and enjoy.


FREE for 30 Days
    Get Started Now


    $9.99 a month


      $89.99 a year